Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once?
I am one of those melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it.

Oct 25, 2006

Tonight I'm sad

That's all I have to say... actually that's not all I have to say, but I'm not sure if I want to say more... it's scary baring your soul like that even if nobody cares or reads this stuff...

"Nuestro tema de amor nos cuesta tanto que ya es un sueño y una canción"

I'm so confused right now... damn it!! I want to leave everything "And so it is just like you said it would be, the shorter story, NO LOVE NO GLORY, no hero in her sky". I think I express myself better through songs... so there you go.

I would love it if I had the guts to spill everything here or anywhere else... but I don't think guts is what I'm lacking of... I think it's the fear that if I say it out loud then it will become a little more true and I'm supposed to be fighting this, not making it bigger...

{ }

Now I'm even worse... I just had a very sad conversation... although, does it count like a conversation when one person talks and the other one just cries and cries and cries?

I feel my heart broken into a million pieces and each piece is floating inside my body thinking "Hey! where did everyone go???" I FEEL BLUE...

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Cuántos hay que, cansados de la vida,
enfermos del pesar, muertos de tedio,
hacen reír como el actor suicida,
sin encontrar para su mal remedio!

¡Ay! Cúantas veces al reír se llora,
Nadie en lo alegre de la risa fíe,
porque en los seres que el dolor devora,
el alma gime cuando el rostro ríe.

Si se muere la fe, si huye la calma,
si sólo abrojos nuestra planta pisa,
lanza a la faz la tempestad del alma,
un relámpago triste: la sonrisa.

El carnaval del mundo engaña tanto,
que las vidas son breves mascaradas;
aquí aprendemos a reír con llanto
y también a llorar con carcajadas.